Producers Meet Producers
Sun 24 Sept 2017 / Amiralen
Nordisk Panorama Forum for Co-financing of Documentaries will kick off on Sunday morning with the networking event Producers Meet Producers, featuring snappy presentations, tailored match-making and round table discussions.
The event is designed to facilitate the efforts to find suitable co-production partners and form the bonds necessary to access funds across borders.
At this event, producers from the Nordic and Baltic countries as well as this year’s invited guest territory will get the chance to present themselves and their ambitions to each other in round table discussions around the challenges and best practices of documentary production and co-production.
Besides introducing themselves individually the delegation will outline their production landscape. In addition, the event will offer insight into the Nordic film institutes’ rules and requirements.
Producers accepted for Nordisk Panorama Forum as either pitch teams, observers+ or observers can sign up for the event when filling in the forum accreditation. In the event of too many applicants, a selection will be made.
We are looking forward to many good matches being made!
09:00 Welcome & introduction
09:30 Co-production round tables
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 Themed round tables
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Presentation of the Nordic film institutes (open to all forum participants)
14:30 Presentation of the delegation’s production landscape (open to all forum participants)
15:00 The end
Participating Producers
Danish Documentary | Kirstine Barfod | Denmark |
Good Company Pictures | Katrine A. Sahlstrøm | Denmark |
Hansen & Pedersen Film og Fjernsyn | Malene Flindt Pedersen | Denmark |
Sonntag Pictures | Sara Stockmann | Denmark |
Copenhagen Film Company / Short & Doc | Ulrik Gutkin | Denmark |
Larm Film | Søren Steen Jespersen | Denmark |
Kinoport Film | Eero Talvistu | Estonia |
Danish Bear Productions | Isabella Karhu | Finland |
Filmimaa Oy | Markku Tuurna | Finland |
Illume Ltd. | Pertti Veijalainen | Finland |
Tuffi Films Ltd. | Elli Toivoniemi | Finland |
Zone2 Pictures Oy | Marianne Mäkelä | Finland |
INA – Institut National de l’Audiovisuel | Fabrice Blancho | France |
INA – Institut National de l’Audiovisuel | Michèle Gautard | France |
KM Prod | Jennifer Deschamps | France |
Les Films d’Ici | Valérianne Boué | France |
Les Films d’un Jour | Johanna Aygalenq-Tomaschewski | France |
Les films du balibari | Estelle Robin You | France |
Little Big Story | Valérie Montmartin | France |
Winds | Barthélémy Fougea | France |
Yuzu Productions | Fabrice Esteve | France |
Klipp | Anna Thora Steinthorsdóttir | Iceland |
Krumma Films | Hrafnhildur Gunnarsdóttir | Iceland |
Sagafilm Productions | Margrét Jónasdóttir | Iceland |
Agitator AS | Elin Sander | Norway |
Gaia Film AS | Therese Naustdal | Norway |
Mechanix Film AS | Hege Dehli | Norway |
Substans Film AS | Kristian Mosvold | Norway |
B-Reel | Cecilia Nessen | Sweden |
French Quarter Film | Mathilde Dedye | Sweden |
HB PeÅ Holmquist Film | PeÅ Holmquist | Sweden |
Mantaray Film AB | Stina Gardell | Sweden |
Momento Film AB | David Herdies | Sweden |
Freetownfilms AB | Farima Karimi | Sweden |