Do you want to help shape the future of Nordisk Panorama?

Nordisk Panorama is the most important pan-nordic organisation for organising and promoting Nordic co-production of documentaries and short film across the Nordic countries and reaching out to the international marketplaces. The NP advisory groups in each Nordic country and the NP board are essential parts of shaping Nordisk Panorama

The organisation has existed since 1990 as a non-profit foundation serving as a common platform for and by the Nordic filmmakers. Originally the organisation behind the festival was referred to as Filmkontakt Nord, but in recent years we are using the Nordisk Panorama brand to promote the film festival as well as the organisation.

Nordisk Panorama needs resourceful and visionary film professionals in the advisory groups in each Nordic country and on the board. If you want to be part of shaping the future of Nordisk Panorama and make the most important film festival exclusively focusing on Nordic documentaries and short fiction films even better, then we would love to hear from you.

You might be interested in joining the great teamwork carried out by filmmakers and producers in the advisory groups in each of the five Nordic countries. The Advisory groups represent the roots and democratic basis of the organisation and have great influence on the concrete activities at the festival as well as all year round on international markets. One active film professional from each of the advisory groups represent their country in the board of Nordisk Panorama, which is responsible for the overall leadership, developing strategies and setting the goals for the future in a unique pan-Nordic organization.

The will of the founders of Nordisk Panorama back in 1990 was to create an organisation run by and for the filmmakers in order to make sure the work of the organization would always be based on the needs of the filmmaking communities.

It is therefore pivoting to the strategies and direction of the organisation to have resourceful advisory groups and board members representing each of the five countries with consist of 5 – 7 active film professionals extending their special expertise and perspective to the board and staff of the organisation.

Members of the advisory groups are elected for four year and can be prolonged with another 4 years. Shorter terms may also apply. One of the members of the advisory group are appointed to sit on the board of Nordisk Panorama for four years with an option to be prolonged by another four years.

Film professionals with specific experience or knowledge relevant to the mission of the organisation are preferred, but members with an alternative approach to the audio-visual sector can also serve as independent members or experts to the advisory group as well as the board.

The advisory groups in each country works a little different with a combination of virtual and physical meetings depending on availability and geography.

If you are interested in the work of the advisory groups and the board, please get in touch with the Director of the organisation Anita Reher or the present board member from your country. For more details on the work of the board you may consult the guidelines by following the link below.

The illustration shows the basic structure of the organization.
