The Italian Delegation
Malmö, Sweden, 20-22 September 2015
This year we’re happy to welcome the Italian delegation arranged in co-operation with Doc/it.
Every year, Nordisk Panorama Forum welcomes a small delegation of producers from a designated guest territory to facilitate connections outside the Nordic countries.
Most importantly the delegation producers will participate in the event Producers Meet Producers, where they will meet their Nordic colleagues, present themselves, network and outline their production landscape. They will also learn more about how to co-produce with the Nordic countries.
The delegation will be invited to apply for pitching and meetings on the same terms as their Nordic colleagues. A maximum of 2 foreign delegation projects can be selected for pitching. Based on their project application, they also have the possibility of being selected as observer+ (observer with access to pre-booked meetings).
The main part of the delegation members will participate in Nordisk Panorama Forum as observers for the public pitch. As observers they are welcome to approach decision-makers for meetings at the spot, if decision-makers have an available slot in their meeting schedule.
Furthermore Nordisk Panorama Forum will welcome a number of commissioning editors and sales agents from the guest territory to the pitching and meeting tables.