Industry News May 2022

Nordisk Panorama is preparing another slate of webinars on the hot topics and challenges in our industry, in collaboration with Nordisk Film & TV Fond. Our first seminar of the season is coming up on 25 May. In this seminar we will focus on some of the strong players in the Nordic broadcast and streaming…

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Industry News April 2022

Nordisk Panorama is excited to announce the programming team for this year’s festival. Gitte Hansen, independent consultant, tutor and mentor and Hawa Sanneh, producer and co-founder of the diversity platform People Of Film, will serve as documentary programmers. The short film section will be programmed by Sam Groves and Lucile Bourliaud, both from Flatpack Festival. Daniel…

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Industry News March 2022

The 3rd edition of Nordisk Panorama’s Doc Forward workshop will kick off in Helsinki, Finland in ten days. Twelve Nordic projects have been selected for this project-driven co-production workshop for emerging Nordic documentary producers and directors.

The workshop facilitates project development for the international market, establishing of contacts with Nordic colleagues, and networking between the participants and…

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Industry News February 2022

We are appalled by the war on Ukraine and stand in solidarity with all its people. We join the international film community in condemning this action and encourage everyone to support Ukrainian journalists, artists, and filmmakers as they work hard at doing their jobs.   You can help through these organisations:Babylon ‘13 – Support for…

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Industry News January 2021

And we’re off! 2022 is up and running and hopes are high for an exciting, fascinating and inspiring year.

We cannot reiterate enough how thankful we are for the amazing support and help we have received from the short & doc community in the past year. As we announced at the end of last year, many…

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Industry News December 2022

Here we are… the end of what has been – yet again – a challenging year for many.
At Nordisk Panorama we have also seen ups and downs. You are all aware of our funding cuts, which so many of you have objected to and helped lobby against.

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Industry News October 2021

During six days in September we gathered filmmakers from all of the Nordic countries to screen their films for an excited audience! Decision makers, commissioners, producers and directors from all over the world took part in our market, forum, meetings and networking opportunities.

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Industry News September 2021

We’re so excited that the festival is finally coming together! In just a few days we look forward to welcoming you all to Malmö. Now it’s time to present this year’s juries and some of the highlights of this year’s festival programme!

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Industry News August 2021

Nordisk Panorama Film Festival proudly presents this year’s competition programmes. Out of 497 submitted films, this year 62 have been selected to compete for the Nordisk Panorama Film Festival Awards in five competition categories. This year we welcome the audience back to the cinemas and we hope everyone will take the opportunity to discover the best of Nordic documentaries and short…

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